Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And the reason for the drills...

There was a fire in Corner Canyon a few weeks ago. Sunday an article came out in the newspaper about the city reviewing their response to the fire. One problem they found was that there was no communication to the school buses. "City officials are most concerned about two buses full of children who were dropped off at the bottom of the burning mountain during the mandatory evacuation." The children were dropped off even though the roads were blockaded. Although the bus driver did not rise to the occasion and wisely take the children back to the school, the older children stepped in to save the day by safely guiding the kindergartners home.
It is fortunate that no one was hurt and it is prudent that the city is reviewing their actions.


This was a dinner I made a while ago, but one of my favorites. Chicken stir-fry with asparagus, carrots, cashews, and red peppers; fresh berry and banana side, watermelon, and salad from Costco. I feel so blessed to have such delicious healthy food so readily available.

Career Announcement

Tanner has announced that when he grows up he wants to be the Eagle. We went to a jog-a-thon for Ian's school and the Eagle was there. Good thing the mascot wasn't a banana slug or a cornhusker.

Let Fall Begin

It's been a beautiful few weeks with the kids back in school and Tanner doing a neighborhood preschool. Heidi and Ian are playing soccer on the same team and Scott is playing flag football. I missed their first game to go to CATS at the Capitol Theater with Rich. We left at half time. I enjoyed the music, but Rich couldn't relate to dancers prancing on stage with no story line. This is one of the reasons I haven't ventured on a cruise with Rich. They'd be harder to ditch half way through.

Rich did a 12 hour mountain bike race on Saturday. He hadn't really planned on going, but Reed and Brad were both doing it. Friday night he told me, "If I wake up at 5:00 and feel like doing it, I'll race." Sat we woke up just after 5:00. Rich informed me that he had 15 min to pack and if he could pack in time, he'd race. Last year he spent days planning and prepping for all his feeds, so I was surprised he could pull it off. The morning was spent at soccer and football practice and the kids and I got there 7 hours into the race. Rich did great and finished feeling pretty good (he was running dry about 8 hours into the race and couldn't breathe very well. He increased his water intake and we treated him with an inhaler. He did much better after that). Reed dropped out after being attacked by wasps and turning into one great big hive. Brad won the race which was a great ending to his biking career in the US. He and his family are being booted back to Canada. We will miss them and feel like the country is making a mistake sending out a family who owns a business here, attended US colleges, and have been contributing citizens here for the past 6 years. Above is a picture of Rich 7 hours into the race. He doesn't look green like he did last year. I guess his body is getting used to the torture.